Instant Access to Urgent Letters

Scan and View is perfect for the constant traveller with no fixed point of contact for forwarding, or if you must have the contents of an important letter today. Instant Mail scanned to your viewer is also the most ecological option, creating just 1/50th of the carbon footprint compared to posting within the UK, falling to 1/500th if the letter is being forwarded abroad!

To get started, simply set the instructions in your accounts control panel to ‘Open & scan my mail on arrival’. Whilst active, every letter delivered to your mailbox is opened and the first page is scanned and uploaded to your secure viewer.

Your Scan Viewer

Open your viewer and you’ll be presented with thumbnails of your scans, ordered by date. when you hover over or tap on a thumbnail, the view button will appear, as illustrated below.

Using the Controls

Clicking view on a thumbnail will bring up a readable preview in a new window, with five simple one-click controls.

Add to Dispatch: Allows you to select any number of individual items to be forwarded. One click and the letter you are previewing will be added to a demand dispatch (using the settings in your control panel), so be sure to check that these settings are correct.

Scan all Pages/ Reveal PIN: On the rare occasion when you might want all remaining pages of a letter scanned, use this dual purpose control.

Plus we only scan the front of a payment card initially, and, with a PIN notification letter, we leave the PIN concealed. Clicking this control  will tell the mailroom to scan the back of the card (revealing the ccv number), or to rescan the notification letter with your PIN uncovered… simple!

Download: This will download a high resolution image to your device.

Delete Scan: This will remove both the preview image and its thumbnail from the viewer, but the physical letter will stay in your mailbox.

Destroy: This option will instruct the mailroom to shred the associated letter, but will leave the image in your viewer (marked as ‘destroyed‘) until you decide to DELETE it. Please remember, however, that once you ‘DELETE’ an image, you will no longer be able to request its destruction!

When you first log in to your secure control panel after registering, you will notice that one ‘unread scan’ is already showing in your viewer, so you can try out the features and controls for yourself!

Scan Existing Mail

If you decide that you want to read letters or documents that are already in your mailbox, no problem! In the scanning section of your control panel, you will find ‘scan old mail’. Simply click the ‘SCAN OLD MAIL NOW’ button, and all previously unscanned items will be processed and uploaded to your viewer.

If you only need a specific item of old mail scanning, please contact support with as accurate a description of the letter as possible and if the mailroom are able to identify it with confidence, they will scan it for you. A word of caution; without opening mail there is little chance of identifying the sender, especially for official letters, which are deliberately anonymised to help prevent identity theft, and the search will result in a small manual handling surcharge. 

Destroying mail 

Method: In keeping with our Eco Policy, mail is cross shredded, unopened, and then recycled as bio-mass fuel. Non- paper items may be opened to ensure that a safe, legal and ecologically compatible destruction method is employed.

Timescales: If you request a scanned item be DESTROYED, we will wait 24 hours before shredding. Any unforwarded mail (including both scanned and unscanned items) in a ‘closed’ mailbox will be archived for 60 days after the account expiry date before being destroyed.

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