About expost

ID Verification

We need to verify theĀ  details you submit comply with legal requirements so we can continue to deliver a secure service to all our customers. Depending on whether you’re an individual or incorporated business will determine if you need to follow our basic or enhanced identity verification process.

Once setup has been completed we need to verify your identity, this is to comply with money laundering regulations 2017. You will receive a link from our verification partner Hooyu. We cannot provide you the service until this legal requirement has been completed. We need to complete either Basic Identity Verification or Enhanced Identity Verification.

Basic Identity Verification…

If you are a private individual or a Sole Trader we will only need to conduct a basic check. You need to upload a copy of your Photo ID e.g. Driving licence, passport or government issue ID card. You also need to take a selfie for a likeness check. This can be done either on a mobile phone or computer webcam. We will use our automated ID checker to verify the documents you have uploaded are valid.

Enhanced Identity Verification…

We are regulated under the Money Laundering Regulations act 2017, for the prevention of potential fraud and money laundering via the service we provide. Our MLR registration number is 12729809. In order to comply with this legal requirement we need to verify the information you submit to Expost. This applies to Incorporated Businesses, LTD, LLP, LLC, and PLC and Partnerships.

What information do we need?

Photo ID for each
director, beneficial
owner and the
account holder

Passport (min 6 months until expiry) ā€¢ Driving licence (with photo card) ā€¢UK only European Union travel ID Card ā€¢ Government issued I.D Card.

Proof of residential
address for each
director, beneficial
shareholder and the
account holder

All must be dated within 6 months ā€¢ Utility bill (gas, electricity, water) ā€¢ Landline telephone bill (not mobile phone bill) ā€¢ Mortgage statement ā€¢ Lease agreement ā€¢ Bank/Building Society statement ā€¢ Credit card statement ā€¢ Certificate of Insurance ā€¢ Store card statement ā€¢ Financial statement (eg pension or endowment) ā€¢ Payslip ā€¢ P45/P60 statement ā€¢ HMRC notice coding ā€¢ Benefits letter

Proof of trading

All must be dated within 6 months ā€¢ Utility bill (gas, electricity, water) ā€¢ Landline telephone bill (not mobile phone bill) ā€¢ Mortgage statement ā€¢ Lease agreement ā€¢ Bank/Building Society statement ā€¢ Credit card statement ā€¢ Certificate of Insurance ā€¢ Commercial invoice ā€¢ Commercial agreement

Certificate of

Proof of registered
office address

All must be dated within 6 months From HMRC: ā€¢ CT41G – Corporation tax new company details (for newly registered companies) ā€¢ CT600 – Corporation tax reminder From Companies House: ā€¢ Notice to file accounts/annual return ā€¢ Authentication codes for new companies ā€¢ General Companies House notices

Additional Users

You may add up to 4 users to the account free of charge, however we will need to conduct basic ID checks for Private individual or Sole Traders and enhanced identity verification for LTD, LLP, LLC and PLC and Partnerships as above. The account holder verification is included in the account fee. Each additional user is charged at Ā£7.50 plus VAT, this will be deducted from your postage fund.

Non-UK Residents

Because it is so difficult to check addresses outside of the UK, we rely much more upon a process of official document validation that compares your submitted photo IDs with government databases from over 70 countries.

This means that it may be necessary to submit two forms of photo ID in order to reach the requires ID ‘score’.

Those of no Fixed Abode

We well understand that circumstances are very different when you have been living on the road, a caravan site or the cut for several years. We may be able to accept documents that relate to your last fixed address in the UK, even if it was several years ago.Ā 

You will still, however, have to submit two forms of ID. If in doubt, please ask for our help!Ā 

Image Standards

A guide to submitted documents

Images, whether scans or photographs should follow these four simple guidelines;

1 The image must be in colour.

2 The whole document must be shown in the image… it must not be cropped, cut-off or obscurred, even at the edges (watch out for your thumb getting in the way!).

3 The image must be clear and in focus, with no marks or reflections that prevent any part of the document from being read (it may help to turn off the flash on your phone!).

4 The document should be as ‘square on’ to the camera as possible and not photographed at an angle.

Including a ‘selfie’

In all cases, a simple ‘selfie’ photograph (full face without a hat) confirms that the documents being submitted really belong to the account holder. Please don’t worry if you are having a ‘bad hair day’… we all have those from time to time, and no-one outside of our compliance team will ever see the photo!


We know that circumstances are different for everyone and there is no such thing as an ‘average’ customer. If you are at all concerned that your ID may not meet the validation criteria, contact support and we will carry out a pre-verification check for you, without obligation and completely free of charge!

In the event that your submitted ID is insufficient to meet the minimum verification criteria, our compliance team will contact you with advice and a request for further information.

Image Standards

A guide to submitted documents

Images, whether scans or photographs should follow these four simple guidelines;

1 The image must be in colour.

2 The whole document must be shown in the image… it must not be cropped, cut-off or obscurred, even at the edges (watch out for your thumb getting in the way!).

3 The image must be clear and in focus, with no marks or reflections that prevent any part of the documentfrom being read (it may help to turn off the flash on your phone!).

4 The document should be as ‘square on’ to the camera as possible and not photographed at an angle.

Including a ‘selfie’

In all cases, a simple ‘selfie’ photograph (full face without a hat) confirms that the documents being submitted really belong to the account holder. Please don’t worry if you are having a ‘bad hair day’… we all have those from time to time, and no-one outside of our compliance team will ever see the photo!


We know that circumstances are different for everyone and there is no such thing as an ‘average’ customer. If you are at all concerned that your ID may not meet the validation criteria, contact support and we will carry out a pre-verification check for you, without obligation and completely free of charge!

In the event that your submitted ID is insufficient to meet the minimum verification criteria, our compliance team will contact you with advice and a request for further information.

Any questions?

Need help?

Contact our Customer Support that is always ready to help you with any possible questions, problems or information.

Need help?

Contact our Customer Support that is always ready to help you with any possible questions, problems or information.